
Python Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Plotly, Bokeh, Sklearn, PyTorch, Caffe, Keras, NLTK, Rasa, OpenAI Gym, MLflow, Airflow, Kafka, Spark, FastAPI, Flask, Django
Java JUnit, Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Swing, Android Studio
C# NUnit, LINQ, Npgsql, Regex, Aspose, Interop, XLParser
C++ Standard Library
R Tidyverse, RStudio
SQL Oracle SQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite
JavaScript/TypeScript Node, Express, React, Angular, Jest, Mocha, Chai
Racket Functional, Lisp-like Language


LLMs ChatGPT, Cohere, LLaMA, Langchain, Vector DBs
Dashboarding Streamlit, Plotly, Mode, Tableau, Sisense, Superset
Project Management Jira, Confluence, Notion, ZenHub
Version Control and CI/CD GitHub, GitLab, Azure DevOps
Amazon Web Services Redshift, S3, Elasticsearch, Kibana
Docker/Kubernetes Basic Experience
Okta Client-side OAuth
Linux Ubuntu, Mint, Manjaro, Fedora
Heroku Heroku Dashboard and CLI
Excel Advanced Experience

Soft Skills

🧠 Critical Thinking 💬 Communication 🤝 Teamwork

Awards and Certifications

1st Place - JDC West Business Debate Competition, Grand Finalist - Heart of Europe Debate Competition, Grand Finalist - Canadian Debate Nationals, 3rd Place - Canadian Public Speaking Nationals, 1st Place - BC Provincial Speech Competition (2 Consecutive Years), 1st Place - University of British Columbia Debate Championship, Top Cadet in Drill and Leadership - Royal Canadian Air Cadets, Level 10 Piano - RCM, National Lifeguard - Red Cross, First Aid, CPR-C

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